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Geoffrey Chaucer
The Riverside Chaucer

This peerless new edition of Chaucer's complete works is the fruit of many years' study, and replaces Robinson's famous edition, long regarded as the standard text. Freshly edited and annotated, the Riverside Chaucer is now the indispensable edition for students and readers of Chaucer.


"This is a comprehensive, readable and up-to-date edition of the first major English poet - the Riverside editors have served their poet handsomely. The new texts are improvements on which reveal just how brilliant an editor Robinson was, despite his limited access to the manuscripts."
(Robin Lister The Guardian)

"The Riverside Chaucer, like its predecessor and companion the Riverside Shakespeare, is beautiful to look at and a sensuous delight to handle. Within its stout covers the entire works of the father of English literature are displayed in fine clear type with very adequate footnote glossaries. The linguistic, historical and literary scholarship are a masterpiece of Anglo-American collaboration. The reading of Chaucer is made into an exquisite pleasure, not a philological chore. This is the best edition of Chaucer in existence."
(Anthony Burgess)

Oxford University Press, 1988, 1374 S.
33,40 Euro
Broschiert, w. 5 figs.
ISBN: 978-0-19-282109-6

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