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Sprachwelt.de - Weltsprachen (Top 12) - Englisch - Englisch Lehrwerke - Business

Mark Ibbotson, Bryan Stephens
Cambridge Professional English
Business Start-up, Level.A2 2 Student's Book Audio-CDs

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Band 2 dieses Kurses für berufsbezogenes Englisch deckt das Niveau A2 des Gemeinsamen europäischen Referenzrahmens ab. Authentisches Material, reale Firmen und glaubhafte Szenarien machen den Kurs motivierend und besonders erwachsenengerecht.

Business Start-up is a two-level course for beginners and false beginners who need English for their work. It takes low level students up to the point where they can start preparing for the BEC Preliminary Examination (early B1 level) and provides a solid foundation for further learning.

The Student's Books bring reality to even the most basic levels of language learning through the presentation of natural language in authentic contexts, a regular focus on real companies and products, and practice in the communication skills that professionals really need.

Klett Verlag, 2006
33,00 Euro
2 Audio-CDs
ISBN: 978-3-12-539772-9

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