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Sprachwelt.de - Lektüre - Lektüre zum Englisch lernen

Gillian Lazar
Literature and Language Teaching
A guide for teachers and trainers

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Literature and Language Teaching is for teachers and trainers who want to incorporate literature into the language classroom. It can be used as a resource by trainers working with groups of teachers, by teacher development groups or by teachers working on their own.

Literature and Language Teaching contains tasks and activities which:
  • encourage reflection on some of the issues and debates involved in using literature in the language classroom
  • explore different approaches to using literature with teenage and adult learners at all levels
  • suggest criteria for selecting and evaluating materials for classroom use
  • identify some of the distinctive features of novels, short stories, poems and plays so that these can be successfully exploited in the classroom
  • provide a wide range of practical ideas and activities for developing materials which teachers can use with their own learners
  • encourage the observation and assessment of lessons using literacy texts
  • draw on literary texts in English by a variety of authors from all over the world

Each section is designed to be self-contained so that users can select what is most relevant to their purpose. A key to the tasks and activities is provided, as well as guidelines for teacher trainers which suggest different ways of using the activities as part of a training programme.

Klett Verlag, 2006, 268 S.
27,95 Euro
Broschiert, Cambridge Teacher Training and Development
ISBN: 978-3-12-533261-4

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